Saturday, July 24, 2010

Inception = Confusion

Instead of spending this weekend moving into our new home, Derek and I had a 'date day'. Unfortunately, the Sellers did not make all necessary repairs to the pool as required, so we did not close yesterday...(I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Monday)...

We spent the day visiting our parents and went out for a movie/lunch date. We agreed to see Inception since we were both a little curious to understand what all the hype is about. I've deduced the main cause of 'hype' is because most people must be as confused as I was when we left the theater. It's frustrating to sit through a 2 hour movie and not have confidence you understand the plot! I'm interested to know if anyone has seen the movie yet?

After our date at the new Movie Tavern on West 7th, we treated ourselves to an Italian Gelato. The Montgomery Plaza area sure has boomed in a short period of time!


  1. Sorry to hear the closing was delayed. I haven't seen inception yet, I think you're review is about what I expected from the trailers.

  2. Inception is for sure a movie you could see many times to pick up something new each time. It will be interesting to see the DVD sales on it.

    Thanks for choosing the Movie Tavern! We hope to see you again soon.
